Arlington Water and Wastewater Bill Calculator

To calculate your utility bill, enter your Account Number & Address Number:

Account Number (0987654321000):
Address Number (101 Main St):

Note: This calculator tool is designed to demonstrate how the adopted January 1, 2022 water/wastewater rate structure changes may affect your future water/wastewater bill. It is based on calendar year 2020 water consumption and Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 rates (effective July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022), and compares charges under the existing rate structure with charges under the newly adopted rate structure. Actual costs incurred will be dependent upon actual use.

If you have trouble finding your account information, select the “Forgot Account Number” button below. This will populate the tool with data for a typical residential customer. You can also modify the consumption fields to view different scenarios and bill impacts. If you wish to access your account information, please visit: My Utilities. If you need further assistance with this tool, contact Customer Service at 703-228-5000, 7am-7pm, Mon-Fri.